Ecover and Method Are No Longer Cruelty Free!
In December, Ecover and Method became affiliated with SC Johnson, a company that openly admit to testing on animals. They also own Pledge, Duck, and Mr Muscle to name a few. The relationship between the brands is that Ecover and Method are now owned under the parent company of SC Johnson.
SC Johnson’s animal testing policy:
“We see an important need for toxicological studies that ensure they can be used safely and with minimal impact on the environment. Also, SC Johnson must comply with the stringent legal and regulatory requirements of countries around the world that require, by law, testing for certain products”.
I was disappointed to hear that these companies had become owned by a brand so notorious for animal testing. Their products were widely available in the UK, and the brands seemed trustworthy and effective. Both companies had a good stance in environmental factors too, regarding packaging and production.
Together, the brands were in receipt of sales over $200,000,000 USD worldwide, and it seems that by becoming part of the SC Johnson ‘family’ that they have sold out on their ethical stances in favour of profits over animal welfare.
Ecover are still Leaping Bunny certified but of course this certification can be awarded to companies who are part of an animal testing parent or affiliated in other ways. Although it is a choice, many ethical consumers will avoid companies that are owned by an animal testing parent company as the money made through purchasing has a good chance of funding further animal testing.
I will no longer be buying from either company, and to further support boycotting these brands you can also email Ecover, Method, and SC Johnson – the emails are provided on the Naturewatch Foundation link below.
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