
  • Featured,  Lifestyle

    Donating My Hair to the Little Princess Trust

    So last week I finally got a much needed haircut. I've been wanting to cut my hair short for a while and I thought just before my birthday would be as good time as any. Because I was cutting so much of my hair I decided to donate my hair to the Little Princess Trust, a charity that provides free wigs to children suffering from cancer, and alopecia, across the UK and the Republic of Ireland.

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  • Featured,  Lifestyle

    Friendly and Free is on Social Media!

    Our Twitter page and Facebook page are a great place to find all our latest blog posts, as well as polls, videos, pictures, and a rich cruelty-free, animal friendly community.

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  • Animal Rights,  Featured,  Lifestyle

    What’s the Deal with Parent Companies?

    Parent companies have long been an issue when it comes to buying cruelty free cosmetics. It refers to when a bigger company owns a smaller company. The problem is that some smaller companies that are against animal testing are owned by big companies that test on animals.

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