The facts of the Grand National and why it is still unethical
1 in 37 horses who starts a race season will have died by the end of it. These are beautiful animals that are completely voiceless and face a life of disturbing cruelty. What can we do to help?
How to Shop Cruelty Free on the British High Street and Supermarkets
Lots of shops on the Great British high street have launched cosmetic lines from Next to New Look. It's hard to know what's cruelty free and what isn't with so much on offer, but here is a handy list of well-known brands and there animal testing policies.
Botanicals Wild Rose Nourishing Hand Balm Review | Vegan and Cruelty Free
Botanicals Natural Organic Skincare is an online shop that provides a range of products from skincare to beauty. The company’s ethos is focusing on using and promoting natural, organic ingredients.
Donating My Hair to the Little Princess Trust
So last week I finally got a much needed haircut. I've been wanting to cut my hair short for a while and I thought just before my birthday would be as good time as any. Because I was cutting so much of my hair I decided to donate my hair to the Little Princess Trust, a charity that provides free wigs to children suffering from cancer, and alopecia, across the UK and the Republic of Ireland.
The Best Cruelty Free Lip Balms | Cruelty Free Skin Care
I use lip balms all day everyday. My lips get super dry, especially when it's cold and windy out. But which ones are cruelty free and which ones are actually any good? Here are some of my favourite, go-to lip balms.